Born and raised in Santa Monica, CA (yep I got named after the city I was born in!) I think the beach is my natural habitat. I actually like to be sandy, salty lips make me smile, the ocean talks to me, my soul blazes surfing, i prefer flip flops to expensive shoes, and peace fills my heart meditating by the sea.
As much as I love beautiful places, I know that the most beautiful of all is that which we can’t see with our eyes. I love that so many of the yogic practices lure us back inside to awaken the inner vision. So many things can cloud our perceptions; things people have said to us, experiences we have been through, tragedies, traumas, the media, the sociopolitical influence, and more.
Commitment. Discipline. Practice. Dedication. They don’t all sound super exciting or juicy, but they lead to the ecstasy and bliss that is beyond the world of circumstances.
Having my own share of tragedies, traumas, and challenging life situations, i am particularly grateful to how the power of daily yoga sadhana (practice) has been so life-changing and transformative for me.
Through teaching yoga, teacher trainings, retreats, festivals, owning yoga studios, mentoring and coaching Yogini’s, this has always been my message:
No matter what happens, good “bad” and everything in between, keep taking refuge in your practice!
So for the first time ever I will be guiding a 40 day Sacred Soul Sadhana starting July 1 to share with you (brothers also invited!) the practices that I believe can change your life as they have mine. From my yoga deck in Costa Rica, to your home, we will be together every day, doing yoga, pranayama breath, learning mantras + universal prayers, and being in satsang (sacred community). All the info is in my bio, and when you join now, you get my seven week Power of Practice Course FREE that you can begin now. I have not had many public offerings this year so I’m very excited to gather my global community of new and old friends on the path XOXO!
“The Power is Practice.
Practice is the Path.
The Path is Love!”