Dear Soul Family, I have a heavy heart with the racial tension in the United States. It seems now we are in the midst of two pandemics, Covid and racism. Institutionalized racism, systemic oppression, police brutality, and white privilege has plagued our society for all of history. It’s time for us to realize once and for all that the health and wellness of black people is a responsibility for ALL OF US to take a stand for. It has not gone away, so it will take all of us to come together and take action. Please watch this four-minute video about white privilege. It’s important that we are not in denial about this, and recognize how we can re-educate ourselves and unlearn the oppression we have gotten used to accepting. Let's show up in solidarity for a community that has been systemically brutalized for over 400 years. This situation is waking people up now, and we need to make up for lost time and ensure that this violence towards our brothers and sisters ends. My own sons are biracial, and I know that they have been affected. We all have beloved black friends, family, students, teachers, and cherished ones who need us now more than ever. There is justifiable rage, racialized trauma, and pain that our black community is experiencing. May we all expand our hearts of compassion, listen to their stories and do our own inner reflection and homework to see what we need to see inside and out, and be a part of changing history. Now is the time to pick a side. Choose HUMANITY. Black lives matter, and we owe it to Humanity and the Heart and Soul of each one of us to truly embody Love. I love to pray and do so every day, but now it is time to “pray with our shoes on“ and take action. I invite you to check out the opportunities and resources I have included here, find your own way to take part, and please share any resources you may have. With Love & Hope, Monica
Opportunities & Resources to Educate, Un-learn, & Support Black Lives
Zainab Zakari
A Prana Vinyasa Teacher I am honored to have in my Soul on Fire Mentorship Group, has ongoing virtual classes, and is teaching a special class next weekend to build unity in her Black community and beyond:
Arjuna O’Neal
Bhakti Brother, musician, and founder of SHARE NECESSITIES:
Mind Elevation Mindset Course
Learn how to use the fundamental practices, tools, and applications of mindfulness to build resiliency, increase your well-being, and elevate your daily human experiences:
League of Badass Women
Comprehensive tool kit for anti-racist allyship:
The Movement for Black Lives
Daily Action Steps:
10 Documentaries to watch about race instead of asking a person of color to explain things for you:
If you, like me, are finding it hard to address and talk about issues of racism, injustice, discrimination and privilege, please take some time towatch these videosand educate yourself.
Your Kids Aren't Too Young To Talk About Race:
“White Fragility” by Robin D'Angelo
“The New Jim Crow” by Michelle Alexander
“Dear White America: A Letter to a New Minority” by Tim Wise
But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3:17-18