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How May I Serve Thee?

Dear Global Family,

Happy Pisces New Moon!

It’s the end of the astrological calendar and the solar new year begins at the Equinox in a few weeks, so even though most new moons are about fresh starts and new beginnings, this one is even more so. It’s a reminder from the stars for us to set clear intentions and begin anew.

It certainly seems that way for me as I went from sea to snow and assessing what is next for me. I am loving being in the mountains, seeing my sons and beloved friends, coaching my YoginiPreneurs from a cabin tucked in the woods, and feeling what life is like in the U.S. after a year of being in the land of Pura Vida!

It’s pretty intense to be honest. Wearing masks more than I’m used to, quarantine, testing, not being able to hug friends, the controversy around to vaccinate or not, and just the all-around feel of what people have been through in my own country that there is no way I can possibly understand from not having lived it.

So much seems surreal this past year, and we have all been through so much in so many ways same and different, but it’s my hope that we will continue to come together more and more each day. The virus, the politics, the racial unrest, the economy, the children learning from screens, the rise in depression and mental conditions, the continued planetary crisis, all of it.

I’m doing my part but never feel that it’s enough. Gratefully I coach an amazing group of women to bring their gifts to the world that needs it so much, and that makes me feel a teeny bit better to be a part of, and I keep looking for more ways to get involved while I walk my healing journey.

I wish we could all gather in a collective circle and hear about all the things we have been through, learned, transformed, are serving, and new ways we are living our dharma path. I guess that’s what I try to do in my messages, and please know how much I would love to hear back from you in all the variety of ways that are now possible.

~ How may I serve Thee?

~ What pearls have arisen from these deep times for you?

~ What new dreams have been unearthed for you?

Pisces is about mysticism, watery emotions, and mostly intuition! My practices in Yoga, Buddhism, and meditation continue to deepen and be my guide and refuge. I am listening deeply to my heart and want to clear the “shoulds” and FEEL into the answers that are true for me and best for all.

I hope the closing of this cycle can bring you the insight you need to live a true, courageous, peaceful, and meaningful life. I pray I can support you and be a friend on the Path.

Let’s be here for each other!


(My mantra that Neem Karoli Baba devotees often repeat all day long means God, God, or One, One)


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