If you think of me as a yogini, a surfer, an entrepreneur coach, or a bereaved parent on the healing journey, think again.
I’m a MOM. That’s what I’m most proud of, that’s my highest dharma path in life, that’s my WHY behind why i do all the crazy shit i do. To heal myself, to help others heal, to be my best, to help others be their best, to serve, and to help others serve. For THEM.
To be a mother is the highest honor to me, to nurse them into life, guide their way on, and then, let them go and watch them fly.
That’s the hard part! Oh if they could only still be snuggled up in bed with me! (I’m so glad i listened to my heart and not the mainstream and let them sleep with me!)
The Buddha’s teachings have been my refuge and i know that the suffering of life comes from not accepting change, and even though my empty nest came harder than most, i am filling it with faith that they are ALL living their dharma path and i am blessed to have my own unique relationship with each one of them.
My Skye is a light in the world, and mine for sure.
Boys and young men today have some big challenges to face in this world but BIGGER medicine to share.
I celebrate my sons, all boys, and young men, their male mentors and guides, and pray we can all uplift and support them to be their holy selves. FREE from the shackles of societal pressures and patriarchal bullshit.
Let them cry, let them dance, let them talk about their emotions, let them be their freaky selves, let them fall, let them RISE, let them SHINE, let them ask for help without feeling a loss of manhood, let them LIVE.
The world is dependent on this. Let there be a holy uprising for our boys and men!
I love you Skye! I love you my brothers doing the men’s work, I love you who are fighting the good fight to BE who God wants you to be.
Om Namah Shivaya!