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Libra Super Full Moon

Riding on this auspicious Libra super full moon is the 10 day festival, Navaratri! It is dedicated to honoring the sacred feminine, and the goddess Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati. These first three days we honor and invoke the goddess Durga, the slayer of demons, to help us remove inner and outer obstacles, impurities, bad habits and any egoic tendencies that no longer serve us. It’s no small coincidence that this auspicious cycle has fallen right smack dab in the middle of Mercury and Mars retrograde, when we need to redirect and regroup our energy towards the positive.

Durga is fierce, courageous, rides on a lion, and has multiple arms with swords, & weapons of consciousness to destroy anything upon our path that keeps us from being our most holy selves. She lives inside YOU.

Navaratri is a time to go inwards, to cleanse ourselves, to re-dedicate ourselves to our practices, and awaken your generous heart to serve humanity.

With the election on its way, and everything going on in the world, it seems to be perfect timing to slow down, look inside, and awaken your courageous heart.


Om Dum Durgaye’ Namaha!

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