I am just so grateful to all the wonderful beings that have come to me to do my 40 day Sacred Sadhana together and meet every single morning for pranayama, mantra, prayers, yoga, and satsang community!
To the women scheduling discovery calls with me to find out more about my 2022 Soul on Fire YoginiPreneurs program, to my whole goddess team doing all the behind-the-scenes work to make all the magic happen, to all my other Soul on Fire coaches, my wing women who are ready to provide coaching on social media, branding, creating online courses, how to create video challenges, go live like a pro, design signature talks, learn how to have a freedom based lifestyle, have a give to grow business, create the abundance you deserve, how to’s on webinars, powerful zoom sessions, provide leadership training, transform money mindset, ayurveda, create your own team and so much more!
And wow, to my man, blowing wind underneath these passionate but also tender wings so that I can keep flying with my heart blazing!
To mother ocean who blesses me with sweet waves to surf and endless horizon to meditate on the miracle of life!
To all my teachers, gurus, coaches, friends and family, my sons, my Cheyne in spirit world telling me to be brave, food on the table, a beautiful roof, a healthy body and sound mind, so much to be grateful for, so today just filling myself with gratitude in every cell, thanks to all of you who are reading this, love love love!