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Self Love Sessions

Updated: Sep 29, 2021

I kicked off my new Soul on Fire Satsang! page with 5 day “Self Love Sessions” lives, and day 1 was on superPowers!

I feel that just this being human we are superheroes and superSheroes! Thinking about how we came to be human itself is even mind boggling, how we grew in our mothers womb, and all the millions of things that happen on a momentary basis just to take our next breath.

On top of that, all the things that happen in our daily lives, all the challenges, the ups and downs of life, and everything that is going on on our planet worldwide now.

It takes super powers, and we all got them! We are all using them, right now, to do whatever has to be done to create peace and harmony in our own lives and in the world.

Some of my super powers are:








What are yours!?


Hop into my group for the next few days at 1:11 mst, and the recordings are all up for the other days!

Saturday the topic is plant medicine, Sunday the topic is 3 daily habits that can change your life, and Monday at 7 am mst we celebrate the new moon with a special new moon live Zoom class, I will put the link for it below!

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