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Soul on Fire Sacred 40 Day Sadhana


Nervous, honored, and happy to offer a first time ever 40 Day Sadhana (sacred practice) Live on zoom for those of you who want to be with me and a (satsang) community of like minded people DAILY to ignite your daily yoga practice, make your health a priority, deepen your spiritual path, awaken your soul purpose, and make a difference in the world!

The importance of having a spiritual practice in these times cannot be denied!

I can attest that these are life-saving practices that have helped me more than you know, and can help anyone who wants to feel peace, happiness, radiance, and fulfillment no matter what is going on in the outside world or in your personal life.

You are going to be embraced by me every day for 40 days, and here are some of the other things that you’ll experience:

Inspiring creative yoga sequences

Meditation instruction from Bhakti + Buddhism

Ayurveda health tips and practices

Affirmations + daily journal prompts

Mindset techniques to awaken your superpowers

Soul purpose discovery sessions

Giving back to the world

The magic, deep healing, and transformation that happens when you make loving yourself a priority!

Soul on Fire Sacred 40 Day Sadhana ~

Find Your Practice

Find Your Purpose

July 1-August 9!

I want you to have the month of June to prepare your heart and soul for this immersion, so anyone who signs up now gets my seven week Power of Practice Online Course FREE NOW.

Link in bio, I’m excited that this is for everyone, including MEN, which I don’t usually open my offerings to, so let’s all come together for the benefit of all beings! Special opportunities for melanin rich family and no one will be turned away due to income!

RamRam, heal yourself and you heal the world!

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