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Soul on Fire YoginiPreneurs

2021 Soul on Fire YoginiPreneurs begins tomorrow! Months of planning, promotion, preparation, and praying for just the right goddesses to be in my sacred sisterhood of support to mentor and coach has come to an end. Yogini‘s on a mission to change the world hailing from Africa, Mexico, UK, Germany, Italy, Argentina, Costa Rica, South Africa, Thailand, United States, Canada, & the British Virgin Islands! They range from nurses, teachers, photographers, therapists, musicians, graphic designers, attorneys, dating coaches, humanitarian workers, artists, healers, and all around big hearted women with souls on fire to live their purpose and make an impact!

Thank you to everyone who supported me the past few months in all the ways that is not so easy to show up! To those of you who engaged with me so kindfully, to my team of Soul on Fire coaches; accountability coach Jackie Just, racial justice/social justice coach Zainab Zakari, my own business coach Meghan Neeley, office magician Emily, to my healers, bodyworkers, shamans, gurus, teachers, soulful cooks bringing me food to warm up in my mini kitchen jungle loft, friends and family patient with my limited availability, surf coaches keeping my stoke high, my beloved sons saying “ i’m proud of you mom”, photographer video man Mark Nadir capturing me in cool and authentic images (including this video swinging in my hammock), Shanti always by my side, Ocean Ma endlessly beckoning me to take a break, my dear mother who read every single one of my LoveLetters (newsletters) just to try to keep up with what I’m doing, to Hanuman, Tara, Durga, all the Dakinis, and the Creator who keeps giving me the sustaining power to love, serve, and remember we are all ONE.

And mostly to the amazing goddesses joining me for a year, bless you for believing in me and my own soul purpose to help you bring your gifts to the world, Ramram I love you all! XOXO

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