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SoulFire Pilgrimage 2020

2020 graced me and shook me to the core. Expecting for Costa Rica to be a stop on my SoulFire pilgrimage around the world, this became hOMe for the entire year. No airplanes, trains or automobiles for me. Just jungle magic, ocean Ma, flip flops, waves, my dog by my side, and wonderful people. It held me through a year of deep healing, transformation, and shedding.

My open wound revealed even more hidden traumas, shadows of my personality, relationships that dissolved or transformed, and my own personal self love journey that deepened through my dedication to my spiritual path to be a better human.

I embraced myself as a writer, channeler, healer, coach, surfer, survivor, and catalyzer.

As some teachers in my life fell away, new ones appeared, my relationship with my gurus and Buddhist path expanded, and I realized the teacher has been inside me all along.

As my self acceptance and awareness grew, my confidence and courage to face my role in helping the people and causes I believe in soared. I learned to understand, forgive, and be kind to myself even when others can’t. Accept people for who they are and their own process, as we are all facing such epic challenges in our lives.

I learned that love can grow beyond time and space and enhanced the relationship with all 3 of my sons. Being a mama will always be my #1 dharma path and my love for them is my inspiration to keep healing and finding my will to live, love, and serve despite the sorrows of life.

For this and more, thank you 2020, I’ll keep spreading my wings for the benefit of all beings, and ask that you grace me, and all of us, in 2021.

Ramram, withyou all this ritual day.

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