Yogini. Entrepenuer. Coach. Surfer. Mama. Devotee. Survivor. And more. All of it, none of it, flowing with it, attaching to nothing but what life wants to bring to me.
Right now I’m in that tender place of having created a new offering and doing all the things to make it happen. You know what I’m talking about! But like i tell the women i coach: when your desire to serve is greater than your fear, you just get out of your way and do it! So…
Soul on Fire 40 Day Sacred Sadhana starts this Thursday! This is for everyone; women, men, bipoc, all ages, stages of life, and yoga experience, who want MORE than just yoga asana. I am coming on everyday with you sharing my own daily practices with you; bhakti prana vinyasa yoga, meditation, prayer, mantra, ayurveda, pranayama, breath, and more!
I feel a little nervous frankly, because I will be opening up my own sacred practices to the whole world, but these practices have saved my life, and I feel like everyone should have the opportunity to be so blessed by what i’ve learned the past 3 decades, so I am committing to this, on my own jungle deck, scrappy and real in the morning and doing MY practice for, and with, YOU!
A lot can happen, more than you can imagine, when you commit to a daily practice, so I will be holding you, you will have a beautiful satsang community, and we are going to laugh, cry, chant, heal, flow, and embody the path of living yoga. All in bio, so if this calls to you give me an emoji below or just do it!
RamRam, calling you in XOXO
