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When life happens...

it gives us all the lemons along with the cherries. Wow, i’ve had a lot come at me this last week. No doubt 6 planets in retrograde hasn’t helped, and this is what the yogis call “the lila: the divine play.”

Tending to my heart, praying for my daddy, holding my own heart, praying for grace, smooth transitions, the strength to get through it all and somehow still be able to show up, serve my causes my loved ones, stoke the fires of gratitude, let the tears flow when they may, and keep smiling.

This is when i take refuge in my practices, ask for help and allow myself to be supported, let nature embrace me, and surrender to Gods plan with faith and courage.

WithYou all on this EarthWalk, and sending prayers all the way around.

This is the time to slow down, breathe into your heart, whisper a prayer or mantra, dance through the tears, lend a hand, and love yourselves up.

This too shall pass.

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