So grateful Colombia is embracing me again. Her Caribbean ocean, salty breeze, sweet waves, beautiful culture, delicious food, and amazing people!
I’m so thankful to be immersed in the land of my roots and awakening those pieces of myself that thrive in the place my mother was born, and having her by my side in her wisdom years.
I realize i too am in my wisdom years, and having the time to create and dream my new Soul on Fire course for women like me in their fifties and sixties who want to live happy, healthy, wealthy, sexy, adventurous lives and show the world we can still rock it!
I’m rockin’ it here, surfing, learning salsa, teaching yoga + tantra, making new friends, and finding ways to give back to a country and people who need so much love and healing too.
If you’re sharing these years alongside me, let me know how you like to rock it!
As we love and heal ourselves, the whole world wins!
Love yourself and you love the world!
