Freedom is being happy
I was walking down a deserted beach in the Caribbean today, feeling anxious about what i “should” be doing.
I designed my annual Soul on Fire YoginiPreneurs program where my co-coach runs the group (thank you
!) the last seven days of the month so that I could have a “freedom week.” A week where I do not have any one on one calls, do not show up on the group page, and spend the week doing creative projects, planning, writing, surfing, having radical self-care, more time for my practices, reading a novel, connecting more deeply with family & friends, volunteering, (all that is suddenly sounding like a lot) or just relaxing. Imagine that!
It’s not so easy for me, as I love the women in my group so much, I love to serve, and my mind is always thinking of how and what more I can do. Somehow I think that walking on the beach and doing nothing is something holy.
My Guru Neem Karoli Baba’s teaching is:
“Love Everyone.
Serve Everyone.
Remember God.”
And I always have to remind myself that means loving and serving myself as well, and remembering that “God”
is also ME.
So therefore I’ve come up with my own little saying, you may hear me repeating all the time:
“Love Yourself, and you love the world!”
So open your wings wide my friends, I pray we can support each other in letting go, trusting, and being free in this very moment.
Om Namah Shivaya!
What is freedom for you?