I hope you have heard me talking about this exciting event I have been creating that starts next week!
Women of Wisdom Rock Virtual Sisterhood Summit is happening Monday- Wednesday 10/23-25, at 1-2 pm, CST!
I created this because I am in it also, and although there are a lot of great things about being in the 50s and almost 60s, there are also a lot of areas where I feel we could all support each other on!
I am bringing some great topics, fabulous presenters, and the opportunity to come together in support and celebration for this sage stage of life!! S£xuality, self love, purpose, power, and living a life of radiance is what it’s all about, so if we’ve been circling around each other over the years, I’d love to SEE you and share the secrets and practices that have been so instrumental in my life! If you are in this auspicious age bracket, I’d love to hear from you, share below one thing you love about being 49-69!