Happy Equinox friends!
One of Mother Earths holidays...When the earth is balanced, humans will start to get into balance. When humans get into balance, the earth will get into balance. So, let’s get balanced! Or maybe just re-balanced.
The past two years on my grief journey has required me to dedicate a tremendous amount of energy into bringing myself back into balance after my world was turned upside down. I have scaled down my trainings, appearances, retreats, and teaching public classes down to almost nothing (even in zoom land) and just focused on coaching the goddesses in my annual soul on fire Yoginipreneurs group. I simplified my life so that I could afford to have more TIME to heal, to be, to serve, to surf, to have soulful conversations with my sons, to surround myself with magic people, to be in nature, and to follow the call of my heart wherever I have been led.
Healing and rebalancing for me means many things. For starters, it means waking up before the sun, doing my mantra, pranayama breath work, Buddhist meditation, prayer,& yoga. Most people who know me, know that I don’t appear until at least 9 AM, but when I do I’m ready to rock!
I feel it’s more important than ever, with what’s going on in the world, to make getting into balance a priority. Furthermore to consider how we are going to get the earth into balance is the other priority. All the big and baby steps towards those goals will create the beauty and sacredness of a just and thriving world.
So how can you prepare for the winter ahead, for the harvest in your heart, for the causes that are calling your name?
This sacred juncture is a time to pause. Put the phone down, power things down, even if it’s for an hour today. Go inside the door of your soul and listen. Go outside and gaze at the sliver of the moon and let it caress the tender places.
We are the ones to save the world, and save ourselves.
Take heart, we can do this.
May the fires stop raging and your heart start blazing.
Om Namah Shivaya!