Here is an update on my precious friend Nathy Madrigal, who is like a daughter to me here in Costa Rica.
Her dwelling has been badly damaged due to the rainy season here, and is no longer livable and we are trying to raise funds to repair her roof and substantial damages so she and her two daughters can move back in as soon as possible! 
I am leaving the link below in the comments to our fundraising campaign, please donate what you can, every little bit counts, and will make a huge difference. She is a vital part of our community here, is a volunteer fire fighter, a hard-working single mom, and one of the best mothers and biggest hearts I know.
Helping people that you don’t know is such a beautiful way to pay your good fortune forward. We are all one family, thank you so much, and special thanks to all of you who have already donated and are a part of this special project!
