You have known me as a proud mama of 3 sons, yoga teacher and trainer, studio owner, yoginipreneur coach, plant medicine woman, intuitive, mentor for aging women, suicide loss survivor, and author of my book WithYou Forever.
I am STILL all of that, but it’s all converged in the path of Tantra I have been living and studying for decades, and if you haven’t noticed, I am now teaching!
Tantra puts it all together for me, because it is a spiritual path that truly gives people all the tools to heal, transform, and to evolve to your highest self in a way where you can most serve humanity, have epic love, and be your most liberated self.
Soul on Fire Intro to Tantra for Women is now my signature course and it has been so amazing that I’m offering it again starting next Thursday! Info below!
Coming up next is an intro course for men and couples (due to popular demand) so thanks for letting me know!
Stay in touch and I look forward to you joining me on this extraordinary spiritual path of LOVE!
I have another free webinar on Tuesday May 7:
The Magical Blend of Spirituality & S3xuality!
DM for link!