Soul on Fire Mystery School
for Women of Wisdom
Radiant Living for Goddesses
in the 50's & 60's!
Dear Woman of Wisdom,
Thank you for registering and saying yes to Soul on Fire Mystery School!
I welcome you into my heart, cauldron of fabulous faculty, and sisterhood of women of wisdom!
It's going to be a transformational year to unleash and unveil all that you are, love yourself and your life, and learn tools and practices to embrace and rock this extraordinary stage of life.
We are looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday, so mark your calendar and be ready to meet in the Zoom Shala at 12:30 pm CST!
Here’s some information to get familiar with the program, so grab a cup of tea, a notepad, and your beautiful soul! (clickable links underlined)
Zoom Session & Dates:
To maximize the transformation of this year long journey, please make the Zoom calls and weekly Yoga Sadhana a priority and add them to your schedule. They are going to be full of amazing content, and the weekly yoga class on Monday mornings will get you ready to start your week off with a Soul on Fire!
Zoom Calls: Calls will be on Wednesdays from 12:30 pm-2:00 pm CST.
Full annual schedule below!
Mark your calendar so you can be there LIVE!
These calls will happen on Wednesdays 12:30 pm- 2:00 pm, CST
If you need help finding your time zone, you can use this time zone converter!
November 2023:
December 2023:
January 2024:
5/14 (changed from 5/15)
Final Closing Circle:
Thinkific Platform: The majority of this program will take place through our group Zoom calls, weekly sadhana practices and the Thinkific platform, which will act as a gathering place for all our call recordings, any handouts we give out, links to important videos and websites, and our community discussions! It will be live on 11/11!
Enroll for free here: Thinkific
Please familiarize yourself with this platform and make it a priority so you have easy access to all materials. Reach out to Karie if you need any support!
Soul on Fire Mystery School Questionnaire
Give yourself some time to answer these questions and have remember have FUN!
Link to questionnaire HERE!
The Desire Map, by Danielle Laporte:
The Desire Map Experience HERE!
This is our first book reading of the course and is an amazing book that I prefer to listen to on Audible because she reads it herself and is quite engaging.
I am including a workbook here, which you can use alongside the book to create your Core Desire Feelings, which are going to be a guidepost for our year together. You will love this, so jump right in!
Facebook Community Page:
Join our private Facebook Community HERE!
Here you will have access to a sacred community platform for sharing, support, & celebration!
Acuity Scheduler: Book your monthly one-on-one sessions with Monica!
You will schedule a 30 minute one-on-one meeting with Monica once per month which will take place over WhatsApp. Please make sure to friend Monica on WhatsApp to ensure your first call runs smoothly! This will be scheduled through her private Acuity Scheduling Calendar, CLICK HERE!
The availability to book your first call is READY now! We encourage you to schedule your call as soon as possible each month to ensure availability. There are a variety of time zones in this group that we want to respect, so if you can’t find a call time that works for you, contact Karie directly to find a time that works.
LoveBook: Please have this handy for our Zoom meetings and Sadhana sessions, either on your device or printed out. This will be available on the Thinkific platform.
Sacred Yoga Sadhana:
This is my weekly sadhana (sacred practice) class which includes breath, mantra, prayer, meditation and yoga, which you get to join in on right away!
We meet Monday mornings 8-9:30 am, CST. We recommend that you show up live but the replays will be available if you miss the class.
Bring your "LoveBook" (updated version coming soon!), a journal, your mat, a cushion, and most importantly, come as you are! Whether you are in jammies, your most comfy yoga clothes, or your "work clothes", I want you to feel comfortable at hOMe with me and our precious satsang!
It will take a few sessions before you know all the practices, but just do what you can and you will get more familiar with it as time passes.
These classes are designed to utilize the replay several times throughout the week so that you can integrate each week's practice before the next one.
The Power of Practice:
7 Week Online Course
You have been gifted The Power of Practice 7 Week Online Course for FREE! Please register for this as soon as you can and start enjoying the material. This program drips one module each week, so start it up right away and it will complement the Sacred Yoga Sadhana.
​ *To register, click this link and use the following promo code at checkout: mygifttoyou
Let's do this Goddesses!
With Love & a Soul on Fire,
** Please bookmark this page, as it is a private landing page for you to easily access all of the offerings in this program, which will be updated as we move along.​