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Beltane Blessings!

This day marks the midpoint between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, and is a sacred fire festival holy day to honor erotic fertility, abundance, growth, creativity, love, passion, pleasure, sensuality, transformation, and magick!

In the middle of Mercury retrograde + eclipse season, I think we could all use this potent energy to cultivate gratitude for all that’s in our lives and the earth that continues to bless us with her beauty and majesty!

I suggest taking a moment or more to gift yourself this holy day, and celebrate it with a bonfire, dancing, feasting, intention setting, meditating, creating a spring crown or altar in your home, make love, and see beyond what your eyes can see; the abundance and love that you are, and is always surrounding you!

I know how I will be celebrating, how about you?!

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