He will have been 30, and though there is a huge part of me that has been grieving that he’s not here to celebrate it, the other part of me is digging deep to accept his souls journey, and to do what he would like me to do.
I know that he wants me to be happy and be in celebration for his life and the time we had together.
I also have gotten messages that he wants me to get his book into as many hands as possible so we can spread the message of suicide prevention, self-love, healing through the practices of yoga and tantra, supporting survivors of loss like me, and all humans who will experience grief in this lifetime.
So the way it works is if everyone buys the book on this one day, April 6, his 30th birthday, something about everyone buying it on the same day gets it on the best seller list very quickly, and when that happens, it gets lots of attention and we get to spread these healing messages to more people.
So a week from today, I will post the link and you can purchase the book if you want to be a part of our mission!
I know some of you want to get it right away but if you wait till April 6, it will really be a success!
Thank you for all of your prayers this next week, for your support, and for joining me to help create more personal and planetary healing for a healthier, more compassionate, and harmonious humanity!
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