I started teaching 25 years ago, shortly after the birth of my second son Skye. I was juggling running, cycling, lifting weights, yoga, an at home organic vegan pancake mix business (you heard right), and a breast-feeding mama of two in Vermont. Suddenly, it all became too much so I dropped all the other fitness stuff (other than stroller walks in nature and nordic skiing), and began doing yoga six days a week. That decision changed my life.
Soon enough it became seven days a week and pranayama, mantra, meditation, and Ayurveda also became part of my daily practice. Someone at the gym asked me to start teaching yoga, and the rest is history.
In those 25 years, I have taught hundreds of classes in all different kinds of spaces and places, opened yoga studio in Crested Butte, CO, (Yoga for the Peaceful!), created a festival (Yoga Rocks the Butte!), taught teacher trainings, retreats, festivals, mentored teachers and teacher trainers, and just about everything else you can imagine in the Yoga industry. Suffice it to say that I LOVE YOGA. And I believe in its power!
I also know from experience that it can be very difficult to make a living in this industry, so I finally got a coach to help me with the business aspect of it about five years ago, and that changed my life again. The fact that yoga changes lives is no mystery. It can also save lives. It certainly did mine after the tragedy of my lifetime.
So I have become passionate on my mission to help Yoginis learn the business of yoga and how to have financial freedom, while spreading this precious gift to the people.
I really believe the world needs yoga and all the healing arts now more than ever!
Being radiantly healthy, learning techniques to calm the mind despite the outer circumstances, healing the heart from all the challenges of life, expanding the heart of compassion, and being in sacred community with others are all desperately needed today.
I am infinitely grateful that yoga found me, (that’s another story!) and even more honored to be able to share it with others, and support women to keep this treasure that came to us from Mother India, proliferating!
If you’re passionate about the healing power of yoga and want to share it with impact and abundance, I have a few more spots open for my Soul on Fire YoginiPreneurs Mentorship group that begins January 26, info below!
