Today at 10:30 I teach my last public class at Yoga for the Peaceful! I have been teaching yoga in Crested Butte for 21 years, and twelve years at Y4P since I opened it! There are many reasons, but you know how sometimes you just know beyond all the reasons, it's just time. I love the studio, I love my students, I love creating ritual classes, I love teaching the style of yoga taught to me by my beloved Shiva Rea, I love the look on peoples faces when they roll out of savasana, I love singing Ram, Ram on my harmonium to them after every class, I love creating playlists with my friends music and artists that speak to us in the universal language of music, I love the movement alchemy created by all who show up, I love it, all of it.
But it's time. Time to pass the torch to the dozens of teachers I've trained in this valley who can continue the legacy of teaching the path of love I believe is the most important aspect of yoga. Time for me to allow myself to heal deeply and go inwards. Time to create new offerings. Time to write my BOOK.
Yes, I am letting this secret out to you now. I have wanted to write a book possibly all my life. But all the self imposed limitations held me back. My Cheyne is gently nudging me, mom, mom, do it...It's time. I'm claiming it. In hopes that whatever happens along that journey if it comes to the hands of the people Goddess willing, it may be a blessing.
So I take the next leap. I will be teaching seasonal workshops and trainings there, including the Lunar Prana Vinyasa training that starts this Friday, a public class this Sunday that is a part of it, and I will always be a part of the studio, getting to TAKE classes from all the wonderful teachers there, and enjoy this new cycle of my life. Thank you to all the hundreds of students who have blessed me with your trust, love and dedication that I have been blessed to have in my classes. YOU have been my greatest teachers. Om Namah Shivaya, you live in my heart!