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New Moon in Sagittarius

As an astrology lover, I believe these portals are here to help us. This new moon in Sagittarius and total solar eclipse, (plus the upcoming Solstice!) ushers in the possibility of major endings and new beginnings. Being the disciplined, self critical Virgo, I usually think of all the ways I can improve, what I can do better, and what I need to change. This time it’s different. There are no big goals or action steps I need to DO. I’ve done, overcome, survived, and accomplished so much, it’s enough, I’m enough! With everything that I’ve been through, and everything the world is going through, what I believe is needed is not only extreme self-care, but extreme self-LOVE! I am so grateful for all of my teachers, healers, and wisdom sources that keep pointing to this same thing over and over again. You know what? I got it! No matter what others say or do for us, we need to count on ourselves to be the source of love, compassion, understanding, and non-judgment because we can’t always count on getting it from outside of ourselves. When we love ourselves we can be more loving to others and of better service in the world. So here’s my new moon affirmations and hope they might serve you well too;

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