We continue Navaratri with invoking Lakshmi Ma! She is the goddess of abundance, love, prosperity, generosity, beauty, calling in your soulmate, good luck, and all good things! This goddess lives inside all of us, and her qualities are inside every cell. These extraordinary times we are living in require so much devotion to continue the process of expansion despite all outer circumstances. Yoga, meditation, prayer, mantra, conscious food choices, sharing our good fortune, and loving ourselves with respect and devotion to all we are, have been through, and embody.
Navaratri is a time of sacred renewal, to go inwards and see the beauty that you are, open your inner eyes, and Shine, Shine, Shine, for the benefit of all beings!
Om Shreem Maha Lakshmiye Namaha! graphicArt Karie Reyes PhotoArt Mark Nadir
