What does radical self-love, tantrik s3xuality, spirituality, and mental health have in common?
The past few weeks I have been touring some amazing cities in Colombia sharing just that.
All of my life experiences and everything I have been blessed to learn has all come together to spread these messages.
We are living in such complex times, and I truly believe that in order to have a more mentally healthy, humane, just, healthy planet and relationships, it’s up to us to come from a place of deep self love to be able to give it back to the world!
My heart is full, and I’m infinitely grateful to all the beautiful people and places of this country that have opened their hearts and shared themselves with me!
My Intro to Tantra Course is what’s up next to bring the alchemy together!
Which of these are you most interested in learning about:
Radical self-love
Mental health
I’d love to know and my soul is on fire to bring these teachings to you!
“Love Yourself & You Love the World!”