Wow, it’s hard to describe what happens when women who have been in my annual program gather for five days in the mountains with a raging river, natures majesty, incredible ayurvedic food, and the common path of yoga, tantra, and spiritual realization!
Some of these amazing goddesses I have never met, most have never met each other, but having been together for 10 months in my online program, we already had a closeness that seems like we’ve known each other forever! So much love, healing, transformation, magic, and memories of a lifetime we will never forget.
I am humbled, honored, and so grateful for all of them, and all of the people who helped make it happen, and for the miracles that happen when women come together to love, be loved, and have a fierce desire to be a force to help make the world a better place through their own inner journey and dedication to shine their souls for the benefit of all beings!
My next program, Soul on Fire TANTRIK Journey begins this coming August, and it will be another juicy and transformational dive into healing, sacred sexuality, self love, and more! Details below and more to come! “Love Yourself & You Love The World!” ~mmd
