It got over 80 comments and women definitely had a lot to say about it!!
There is a lot of misunderstanding about this word, and what it really means.
I’m feeling it because I am definitely in that stage of life, and a part of it is fabulous, and another part can be difficult in a society that doesn’t revere older women as it used to in ancient times.
This subject was the inspiration for my upcoming Women of Wisdom Rock Sisterhood Summit, and I feel it’s time to come together in celebration and support to make these the best years of our lives!
You have the wisdom of a lifetime of adventures and experiences, you’ve done everything society has expected of you, and now it’s time to be your own sovereign, and create the life of your wildest desires!
I’d love to hear what this word means to you, and moreover what this stage of life means for you! Let’s meet at the summit, info below, it’s free and it’s gonna rock! (Over 40 women are already signed up!)